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Nutritional Deficiency

Eating smart is not enough.

Not only do today's foods lack adequate amounts of essential nutrients, but junk foods, preservatives and additives are prevalent. Sometimes your body is unable to absorb certain nutrients even if you’re consuming them. It’s possible to be deficient in any of the nutrients your body needs.
Dietary changes

A doctor may advise you on how to change your eating habits in the case of a minor deficiency. For example, people with iron deficiency anemia should include more meat, eggs, dark meat poultry, vegetables, and legumes in their diet.
Supplementation isn't just smart, it's essential.

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Signs and symptoms of vitamin deficiency anemia include:

    • Fatigue
    • Shortness of breath
    • Dizziness
    • Pale or yellowish skin
    • Irregular heartbeats
    • Weight loss
    • Numbness or tingling in your hands and feet
    • Muscle weakness
    • Personality changes
    • Unsteady movements
    • Mental confusion or forgetfulness

Vitamin deficiencies usually develop slowly over several months to years. Vitamin deficiency symptoms may be subtle at first, but they increase as the deficiency worsens.

Risk factors

A number of factors can affect your body's vitamin stores. In general, your risk of vitamin deficiency is increased if:

      • Your diet contains little to no natural vitamin food sources, such as meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables. Vegetarians who don't eat dairy products and vegans, who don't eat any foods from animals, may fall into this category. Consistently overcooking your food also can cause vitamin deficiency.

      • You're pregnant, and you aren't taking a multivitamin. Folic acid supplements are especially important during pregnancy.

      • You have intestinal problems or other medical conditions that interfere with absorption of vitamins. Abnormal bacterial growth in your stomach or surgery to your intestines or stomach can interfere with the absorption of vitamin B-12.

      • You abuse alcohol. Alcohol interferes with the absorption of folate and vitamin C, as well as other vitamins.
      • You take certain prescription medications that can block absorption of vitamins. Anti-seizure drugs can block the absorption of folate. Antacids and some drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes may interfere with B-12 absorption.

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